Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More than one writer in Europe has stated (uncritically): This is Britain not America

What is called radical Islam, violence or through peaceful, stealth jihad? The result is the same. I think many of us watch the events in Britain wondering what are we in for here in the near future. This week in a US meat processing plant 150 employees walked off their jobs demanding certain privileges for Ramadan. The employer said absolutely not, if someone wants to stay home and pray rather than come to work fine but no work concessions. It was reported they vandalized the parking lot a bit but then returned to work. The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled against a cab driver who wanted to be exempt from picking up passengers who were carrying alcohol. The cabbie lost, he still could refuse to pick up certain passengers I imagine but was not exempt from the fine. Still a few of our public institutions at times are more accommodating especially in the area of segregation, what some call a return to the old Jim Crow laws as when blacks and whites had separate facilities. I don't believe the USA will bring back the Jim Crow Laws to accommodate any group.

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