Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Filip Dewinter Speech at the Oriana Fallaci Memorial

First and foremost I would like to take this opportunity to thank Armando Manocchio, the president of Una Via per Oriana, for giving me the honour of addressing the speech about the issue of “Islamophobia and freedom of speech”. It’s a good thing that the organisation Una Via per Oriana strives to keep the remembrance of Oriana Fallaci vivid; and thus continues to resist the politically correct dictatorship that wishes to restrict the freedom of speech. The political legacy of Oriana Fallaci exists in that we should not submit ourselves to those who — with multiculturalism and anti-racism as dummy-arguments — bring Islam in our society as a Trojan horse, and even feed it.Ladies and gentlemen,Oriana Fallaci was driven by a mission, her mission consisted in prosecuting the cowardice of Western and European politicians, and in breaching the European policy of consensus. After the 9/11-attacks Oriana Fallaci tried with her sharp writings to open the eyes of the European intellectual, political, and social elite that had been collectively hummed asleep by the leftist multicultural discourse. This multiculturalism has undermined the combativeness of our European, Western society; it has hollowed the fundaments and freedoms of our civilisation; and it has affected democracy and freedom of speech. The ideology of multiculturalism has grown into a kind of new religion with the equality and equivalence of cultures as first dogma. The simple fact that we are no longer allowed to consider our own European civilisation as superior, generates an “away-with-us” mentality. “Away-with-us”… indeed. Multiculturalism aggrieves Europeans with an excessive guilt complex about the West — with its history of colonialism, racism and Jew-slaughter — being the source of all evil. According to these multiculturalists we can liberate ourselves from this ‘original sin’ by throwing open the gates of Europe and the West for all kind of third-world peoples. This dangerous and disastrous “one-world” ideology puts on sale all of what we in the West stand for. In the meantime, we have to share our prosperity with tens of millions of third-world immigrants — of whom a majority has hardly contributed to our economy or social security — that are as parasites on our system of social security and take advantage of social acquirements of the European welfare state. Mass immigration has now become the Trojan horse of a religion and social ideology that is Europe’s historical original enemy: Islam.- - - - - - - - -Ladies and gentlemen,“Wake up, Occident, wake up! They declared war on us, and war is what they’ve got. We have to hang tough!”. This wake-up call from Oriana Fallaci sounds more urgent than ever. Radical Islam has indeed declared war on us. Not today, not yesterday, but approximately one thousand four hundred years ago. The terrorist attacks on New York on 9/11, on Madrid on 3/11 (2004) and on London on 7/7 (2005) are merely a sad climax, a battle in a fourteen centuries-long ongoing and continuing war. Islam is in war with Europe and the free West. Islam only executes what’s written in Quran, and follows Mohammed’s example. Mohammed was not a prophet, but a warlord who overcame and silenced his enemies with violence, weapons, and spilled blood. The Quran is a “license to kill” with unconcealed calls for waging war on dhimmis, the non-Muslims. Islam doesn’t allow for the slightest space for interpretation of the Quran, a book written fourteen hundred years ago. The Quran is to be applied by Muslims in a literal sense, because it’s the word of Allah, and no doubts can be raised against these words. This leads to Islam being a medieval religion colliding with Enlightenment, Modernism and Humanism so typically for nowadays in Europe.Ladies and gentlemen,Don’t be misled, there’s no such thing as ‘moderate Islam’. I give you a recent quote from the Turkish premier Erdogan: “There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.” Let’s cut the crap, Islam is bound for world dominance. Islam is an imperialist religion which forces their rights with violence. It’s an historical evidence that Europe is the first and most important enemy of Islam. For almost fourteen centuries Europe is resisting the Islamisation of its continent. The first Islamic invasion of Europe was halted at Poitiers in 732 A.D. The second Islamic invasion was stopped at the gates of Vienna in 1683.The matter is now to halt the currently ongoing third Islamic invasion, and to push Islam back to where it belongs: the other side of the Mediterranean. Radical Islam is nowadays fighting with other means than before: The scimitar has been replaced by the terrorists’ bomb, but apart from that little has changed. The only fundamental change is that Europe no longer dares to resist Islamic aggression and we tend to behave more and more as dhimmis.Ladies and gentlemen,Islam does not belong in Europe, not yesterday, neither today, and certainly not tomorrow. Islam is diametrically opposed to our European morals and values. Islam is but the way much more than a religion, it is in fact a political ideology, a social order and a jurisdictional system. Islam is a political ideology, a social order and a jurisdictional system that has undergone hardly any change since Medieval times. To tolerate, acknowledge and fund Islam in Europe, is to throw away all European acquirements and freedoms, and return to the darkest days of Middle Ages. There are many ways in which the ongoing Islamisation of Europe reveals itself. Not only do we have to give in on fundamental principles of European society, but we are also confronted with a demographic time bomb. It was the Algerian president Boumédienne who said: “One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give 3 us victory.” Indeed, Europe nowadays counts up to 50 million Muslims while only 50.000 lived here a century ago. Islam has grown to be the second largest religion in Europe and in twenty years cities, for example Marseilles, Malmö, Brussels, and Birmingham, will know a majority of Muslim inhabitants. Muslim women on average give birth to 3 to 4 children, whereas native European women barely reach an average of one point thirty seven children. The power of the numbers is in advantage of Islam. The European population is aware of this, and is able to observe it on daily basis. Europeans have had enough of burqas, of chadors, of hijabs and kaftans, Europeans have had enough of the “ritual” slaughter of animals, of the boundless popping up of mosques, Quran schools, and minarets, of the Arab and Turkish writings on bus and tram, enough of halal food at the butchers and stores, of the never ending flow of sighs and demands made by Islam in behalf of “multicultural tolerance” and so called “freedom of religion”. If we want to save Europe, than we will have to push back the Islamisation and end the green fascism of radical, totalitarian Islam!Ladies and gentlemen,If one would ask me if I’m xenophobic, than I answer: no, I do not object immigrants under condition that they behave, adapt and submit to our morals and values. If one would ask me if I’m Islamophobic, than I firmly answer: “yes” since I’m worried by Islam. The biggest mistake we can make in Europe is to picture Islam — for reasons of political correctness — as a religion of peace and tolerance. Islam is indeed a religion of peace and tolerance, but unfortunately only for those Muslims who are willing to submit to Allah’s will as written down in the Quran. For dhimmis — the unbelievers — Islam is a religion of hatred, of violence and intolerance. Islamophobia is not merely a phenomena of unparalleled fear, but it is the duty of every one who wants to safeguard Europe’s future. Europe means Rome, Greece, the Enlightenment and Judeo-Christian roots. Europe is a continent of castles and cathedrals, not of mosques and minarets. Oriana Fallaci showed us the way in her books Rage and Pride and The Force of Reason. Therefore I wish to conclude by quoting her in The Force of Reason:

Islam is like a pool, and a pool is a puddle of water standing still. Water that does not flow away, does not move, and thereby is never purified. The West is like a river nourishing life. It’s like water that flows on, that’s purified and renewed in its course, that absorbs other water and finally reaches the vast sea. Thanks to the force of reason we’ll eventually prevail. But hence we must continuously renew, continuously absorb other water and prevent any dam against he flow of the water current.

From EuropeNews Filip Dewinter Oriana Fallaci Memorial Vlaams Belang Party

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