Monday, June 23, 2008

The OIC Push

Islam must face it's detractors and critics. To hide in the obscurity of denial in light of it's flagrant and obvious failures of it's religious dogma, historical and present social and political practices and cultures will not spare it from it's own undoing. It must run from, hide from, deny what it deems as insults or it must fight to destroy its critics. It's critics within and without will never be silenced.
This is why the OIC's attempt must be beaten at 4 levels:
1. The official level of all counties especially in those countries that are temporally called Islamic.

2. At the level of international organizations such as the UN, specifically the NGO's and faith based organizations.

3. Academic, think tank, religious institutions and research centers.

4. The growing anti-jihad community.

Freedom of speech and holding Islam responsible for the consequences of it's own teachings will continue and flourish.

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